2777 Gantz Rd., Grove City, OH 43123
2777 Gantz Rd., Grove City, OH 43123

Prayer List

  • Mike robinette, Karin Balden, Rosie
    Please pray for Mike Robinette, and Karin Balden. Please pray for Rosie as she recovers from back surgery. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Wanda may, Mike Barrett
    Prayer Requests Wanda May is at Mt Carmel Grove City. Please keep her in your prayers. Mike Barrett (Tina’s husband) was admitted today. They are keeping him for a couple of days to monitor due to additional illnesses. Please remember those on our prayer list, salvation list, and those who are grieving. Thank you, Pastor… Read more: Wanda may, Mike Barrett
  • Karin Balden
    Please pray for Karin Balden. She is in a great deal of pain and is awaiting hip surgery on January 17. Also please keep us in your prayers in general, Gil will be 81 on January 16, Karin will be 81 on January 20, and our 60th wedding anniversary will be on January 23rd. We… Read more: Karin Balden
  • Wanda may, Mike Barrett
    Prayer Requests Wanda May is at Mt Carmel Grove City. Please keep her in your prayers. Mike Barrett (Tina’s husband) was admitted today. They are keeping him for a couple of days to monitor due to additional illnesses. Please remember those on our prayer list, salvation list, and those who are grieving. Thank you, Pastor… Read more: Wanda may, Mike Barrett
  • Pam Leady
    From Pam Leady Could you please have the church pray for my nephew’s mother, Teresa McCoy? She had a stroke and needs prayer as well as some of the family spiritually. Please continue to pray for Tina Barrett’s husband, Mike. His oxygen is still very low. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Tina Barrett
    From Sister Tina Barrett: Please pray for Mike (Tina’s husband). He is having trouble with his oxogen today and may have to go to hospital. PLEASE LIFT HIM UP IN PRAYER Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Tommy Damron
    Please pray for Tommy Damron. He is having eye surgery this morning. Thank you, Kay Damron
  • Prayer and Praise
    Sister Julie Root surgery went well today. Thanking the church for prayers. Continue to remember: Zane Rinehart (Jake & Olivia), brother David Rivers, brother Delbert Johnson, sister Shirley Coventry, and brother Jim Mcelvain in prayer. Pray for Donnie Smith, Jessi & Donald Smith’s son who is in Children’s Hospital. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Dwight and Julie Root
    Please keep Dwight and Julie Root in your prayers. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • From Windy Hornung:
    From Windy Hornung: Please pray for my Aunt Bev. She is scheduled for a heart cath today. Thank you
  • Znae Rinehart & Cheri Deans granddaughter Ruby
    Asking the church to continue to pray for Zane Rinehart (Jake & Olivia’s baby). Also, sister Cheri Dean’s granddaughter, Ruby, is having complications again. Asking the church to be in prayer as well for her. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Zane Rinehart
    Baby Zane (Rinehart) is back at Children’s with his 5th time having pneumonia. Please pray for him. Pray for the doctors for wisdom with how to treat him. Pray for Jake & Olivia. This is so tiring and frustrating for them. Thank you
  • Angie Castle
    From Anjie Castle: This is very close friends of ours. Joel’s in his early 40s And has I believe 4 kids and a wife. Member of Crusaders Quartet. To all our family and friends… Our Son Joel had an Aneurysm which caused his Aorta to split from his neck, clear to heart… he’s in emergency… Read more: Angie Castle
  • Jim Hendricks
    Please pray for Jim Hendricks. He is a friend of Pastor Shawn’s in West Virginia who is in ICU. Thank you
  • Continuing Prayer requests
    Jim McElvain’s surgery went well. Thanking the church for prayer. – Please continue to pray for baby Zane and his upcoming surgery. – Brother Dwight and sister Julie Root – Pray for sister Shirley Coventry – Brother David Rivers – Brother Delbert Johnson – all of our shut-ins as well as our widows. Thank you,… Read more: Continuing Prayer requests
  • Lynda Salyers
    Please pray for Lynda Salyers and her 14 year old daughter, Aubrey. Her husband passed away. She is a relative of Carla and Pam. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Cheri dean’s great Grandaughter
    From Cheri Dean: Please pray for our youngest great-granddaughter "Ruby". She is in the ER very ill. She is only 6 weeks old. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Jim McElvain
    Brother Jim McElvain ask if the church would be in prayer for Meghan Overton, his son‘s girlfriend. Also remember, brother Jim as he will be having surgery next week. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Mike and Alice Masters
    Please pray for Mike and Alice Masters. They are both sick. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Dana Rinehart’s Mother
    Please pray for Dena Rinehart’s mom, Jean Muncy. She fell outside this morning and broke her wrist. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Pam Leady
    From Pam Leady: Please keep my friend Alice Addleman in your prayers. She has been admitted to the hospital for a-fib testing. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Dena’s cousin, Emolene Muncy.
    Please pray for Dena’s cousin, Emolene Muncy. She has a large tumor on her lungs. Please pray for the family. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • leita’s grand daughter
    Asking the church to continue to pray for Maddison Kingsbury, sister Leita‘s granddaughter. She will be having surgery tomorrow. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Baby Zane Rinehart
    Asking the church to pray for Zane Rinehart as he is back in ICU. Pray God gives the doctors wisdom. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Tommy Damron
    Tommy Damron is having surgery today at noon. Please keep him in your prayers. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Multiple prayer requests
    Please pray for Anjie Castle’s family. Her brother Josh is in ICU with Ecoli. Her aunt Peggy has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in her esophagus. Pray for Josh & Rebecca Young. Pray for Pam Gregory (Carla’s sister) and their family with the passing of Pam’s husband, Ken. Sue Chadwick: please pray for Steve… Read more: Multiple prayer requests
  • Pam Gregory
    Please pray for Pam Gregory. Her husband, Ken, just passed away. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Sue Chadwick’s friend, Sherri Love
    Please pray for Sue Chadwick’s friend, Sherri Love. The doctors discovered she has Stage 4 cancer in both lungs and her brain. She is in desperate need of prayer and a touch from the Lord. Thank you
  • Cheri Dean
    Please pray for Cheri Dean. She will be having surgery tomorrow. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Glen Nessel (Betty Roister)
    Grandson’s girlfriend, (Dallas), who travels with "For the Kings Country" , (and others). She is 31 and has been told she has kidney failure and has to go on dialysis.
  • Jeff Price, Baby Zane, Bruce Colsten
    Jeff Price’s sister Kim’s husband Brent Finley is in the hospital. Asking the church to pray for them. Please continue to pray for baby Zane and the doctors that God will give them wisdom to know how to help him. Keep Jake and Olivia in prayer too and ask God to give them strength. Bruce… Read more: Jeff Price, Baby Zane, Bruce Colsten
  • Tina Barrett, Sister Annette, Jake and Olivia’s baby, Jim McElvain
    Please pray for the following requests: – Sister Tina Barrett‘s husband, Michael, will be having surgery in the morning. Asking the church to pray. – Sister Annette‘s father is in the hospital with continued complications. Please continue to pray for her as well. – Pray for Jake and Olivia‘s baby Zane. – Pray for Jim… Read more: Tina Barrett, Sister Annette, Jake and Olivia’s baby, Jim McElvain
  • Tina Barrett
    Please pray for sister Tina Barrett’s husband, Michael. He is having some complications at the hospital and is asking the church for prayer. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Shirley Coventry
    Please be in prayer for Shirley Coventry sister who has been taken to the hospital. Thank you, Pastor Shawn
  • Annette Culver
    Sister Annette Culver’s father is in the hospital. Asking to Church to be in prayer Thank you, Pastor Shawn